The production of the original TV anime “Chimimo” from the first collaboration between Shin-Ei Animation, known for “Doraemon” and “Crayon Shin-chan” and the illustrator of “Bisuke and Usagi”, Kanahei, has been announced. The broadcast is slated for July 2022.
“Chimimo” is a heartfelt hell comedy featuring “Jigoku-san”, the demon-like self-proclaimed “Envoy of Hell”, and the 12 “Chimimoyou”, known as “Chimimo” as they appeared in the human realm. Jigoku-san and Chimimo are hiding their intention of making hell in the human realm while freeloading at the Kishin family that consists of the three sisters, “Mutsumi”, “Hazuki”, and “Mei”. This is an original TV anime that depicts the comedy and relaxing daily life of the mysterious living beings, Chimimo, the idiot with a scary appearance, Jigoku-san, and the aggressive three sisters.
The original character design is handled by Kanahei, who is a famous illustrator that is known for the cute LINE stamps, such as the “Bisuke and Usagi” and the collaboration with “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba”. The animation production is handled by Shin-Ei Animation, known for “Doraemon” and “Crayon Shin-chan”, the script is written by Ueno Kimiko, known for “Space Dandy”, “Crayon Shin-chan the Movie” series, and “Carole & Tuesday”.
Along with the production’s announcement, the 1st key visual has been revealed and it depicts “Chimimo” that looks like a round rice cake. The comments from Kanahei said “My heart throbbed with the thoughts of ‘Ah! I like it! I want to draw it!’ toward the plot of ‘In order to make hell in the world, the envoy of hell appeared in front of the three sisters with 12 servants’. After that, it becomes an enjoyable work where I draw out my idea.”
TV anime “Chimimo” will be broadcast in July 2022. Do look forward to future announcements.
<Below are the full comments>
Original Character Designer, Kanahei
As I usually draw small animal characters, I felt anxious when I was asked to be the original character designer.
However, my heart throbbed with the thoughts of “Ah! I like it! I want to draw it!” toward the plot of “In order to make hell in the world, the envoy of hell appeared in front of the three sisters with 12 servants”. After that, it becomes an enjoyable work where I draw out my idea.
Chimimo has a cute and simple appearance when they are in a group or alone. The coloring has a linkage with the three sisters and it will remind you of the folklore of Ushi-Oni, which is the origin of Jigoku-san. The design of the charming characters is a result of the discussion with Director Pino Aruto and the production members.
Please look forward to the broadcast (as I am looking forward to it as well).
(C) Chimimo
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