The manga “Chibi Maruko-chan” has marked the 35th anniversary in 2021 since the serialization began. Nippon Animation, which is in charge of animation production of the series, set 2021-2022 as “‘Chibi Maruko-chan’ Original Manga’s 35th Anniversary Year’ and will be offering various events to commemorate the anniversary. It has been announced that the first-ever stage play titled “Chibi Maruko-chan: The Stage” will be performed.
As the opening of “‘Chibi Maruko-chan’ Original Manga’s 35th Anniversary Year’, “The Landmark Christmas 2021 Happiness Holidays ~Maruko to Tanoshimu, Landmark No Otona Christmas!~” will be held from November 11 to December 25, 2021, under the collaboration with Yokohama Landmark Tower in Kanagawa.
*lit. “The Landmark Christmas 2021 Happiness Holidays ~Enjoy With Maruko, Christmas for Adults at Landmark!~”
The collaboration offers various heartwarming events within the premises of Yokohama Landmark Tower. At “Landmark Plaza” and “MARK IS Minatomirai”, the digital stamp rally can be enjoyed, and Maruko and her friends will appear at the venue.
Moreover, an AR event will also be available, where Christmas ver. of Maruko appears by scanning the 2D code on leaflets available at the venue with your smartphone. At “Sakata no Tane Garden Square”, located on the 1st floor of “Landmark Plaza”, an 8-meter-tall Christmas tree, spatial decorations, and illumination at the dog yard garden will be shown.
From late November, goods-sales events will be held at “Maruko To Cojicoji Store” of Kiddy Land Harajuku, etc. At the event, new goods featuring the illustrations that the original creator Sakura Momoko drew for goods right after the serialization of “Chibi Maruko-chan” had started, will be on sale.
Toward the finale of the 35th anniversary event in the winter of 2022, “Chibi Maruko-chan: The Stage”, which is the first-ever stage play in the “Chibi Maruko-chan” history, will be performed. With planning and production handled by Nelke Planning, the stage play will portray the high school days of the boys of Class 3-4. Please look forward to how the boys, who have grown up to high school students, will be portrayed.
(C)Sakura Production
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