The serialization of “Nichijou” has been resumed in “Shonen Ace December Issue” released on October 26, 2021. As a special supplement, an original “Nichijou” mask case will be included.
“Nichijou” is a cute but somewhat weird, “semi”-surrealistic gag manga by Arawi Keiichi. The serialization began in 2006, and the anime adaptation was created by Kyoto Animation in 2011, leading to more popularity. After 6 years since the serialization was ceased, “Nichijou” is now back in “Shonen Ace”.
Along with its making a grand appearance on the front cover, an original mask case with the illustration of Professor and Sakamoto drawn by Arawi Keiichi will be included as a special supplement.
“Shonen Ace December Issue” is currently available at nationwide physical and online bookstores.
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