The 2nd collaboration series between the TV anime “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime” and the anime & fashion fusion brand “R4G” has been announced. Pre-order for the T-shirts, long T-shirts, and sacoche are available on the official e-commerce website of “R4G”, “Shel’tter Web Store” from noon, October 22, 2021. These products are made-to-order and are limited in quantity.

The 2nd collaboration series between “That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime” and “R4G” consists of 2 types of graphical T-shirts that are comfortable and feature the impressive scene from the anime, 2 types of long t-shirts inspired by Rimuru and is perfect for the upcoming season, and the useful sacoche that is inspired by the skill “Great Sage”. As each product can be used easily in our daily life, it will surely become an item that fans would want to collect and use.

T-shirts are priced at 4,950 JPY each, long T-shirts are priced at 6,050 JPY each, and sacoche is priced at 2,750 JPY. All the prices mentioned are inclusive of tax. Each product is made-to-order and limited in quantity, the pre-orders are currently available on “Shel’tter Web Store” until 11:59 PM, November 21, 2021. Kindly visit the webpage of each product for more information.

“‘That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime’ X R4G 2nd Collaboration Series”
Pre-order Period: Noon, October 22, 2021 (Friday) – 11:59 PM, November 21, 2021 (Sunday)

<Product List>
・Bamen Tee Y & M Emotional
Color: White
Size: M/ L/ XL
Price: 4,950 JPY (tax included)

・Bamen Tee The Red Ifrit
Color: Black
Size: M/ L/ XL
Price: 4,950 JPY (tax included)

・Chara L/S Tee – Rimuru
Color: White
Size: M/ L/ XL
Price: 6,050 JPY (tax included)

・Chara L/S Tee – Slime
Color: Black
Size: M/ L/ XL
Price: 6,050 JPY (tax included)

・Sacoche for Master
Color: Black
Size: Free
Price: 2,750 JPY (tax included)

(C) Kawakami Taiki, Fuse, Kodansha/ TenSura Production Committee