The animated film “Inu-Oh” by director Yuasa Masaaki will appear officially on the Japanese Animation Category of the “34th Tokyo International Film Festival” and the Japan premiere will be held on November 3. After the premiere, a teach-in event featuring director Yuasa Masaaki will be held, and the new cut-scenes have been released with this announcement.
“Inu-Oh” is a musical anime about the shape-shifting imagination based on the story of Inu-Oh, the Nougakushi (pop star) of the Muromachi period. It depicts the friendship between the actual existed Nougakushi, Inu-Oh that has a lot of passionate fans and his buddy and the biwa player, Tomona based on the “Heike Monogatari Inu-Oh no Maki” by Furukawa Hideo. Under the supervision of director Yuasa, this work has gathered various highly anticipated creators along with Noga Akiko as the scriptwriter, Matsumoto Taiyou as the original character design, and Ootomo Yoshihide handling the music.
This work has been screened at various overseas film festivals, including “Venice International Film Festival”, “Toronto International Film Festival”, “Busan International Film Festival”, and “Bucheon International Animation Festival”. Now, the official appearance on “34th Tokyo International Film Festival” as part of the Japanese Animation Category has been announced along with the Japan premiere on November 3. After the screening, a teach-in event featuring director Yuasa is planned to be held.
Other than that, it will also appear on the Special Screening Category of the “37th Warsaw International Film Festival” and Competition Category of the “16th Bucharest International Film Festival”. As it has appeared official at various film festivals around the world, this highly popular work will be released in early summer 2022.
Release Date: Early Summer 2022, Nationwide
Distributor: Aniplex, Asmik Ace
【Official Appearance of Animated Film ‘Inu-Oh’ on Film Festival】
・78th Venice International Film Festival, Horizons Competition Category
September 1 (Wednesday) – September 11 (Saturday)
・46th edition of the Toronto International Film Festival, Special Presentation Category
September 9 (Thursday) – September 18 (Saturday)
・26th Busan International Film Festival, Asia Movie Category
October 6 (Wednesday) – October 15 (Friday)
・37th Warsaw International Film Festival, Special Screening Category
October 8 (Friday) – October 17 (Sunday)
・ 16th Bucharest International Film Festival, Competition Category
October 8 (Friday) – October 17 (Sunday)
・23rd Bucheon International Animation Festival, Long Featured Film Competition Category
October 22 (Friday) – October 26 (Tuesday)
・34th Tokyo International Film Festival, Japanese Animation Category
October 30 (Saturday) – November 8 (Monday)
(C)2021 “INU-OH” Film Partners
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