The third movie of the Butt Detective series titled “Butt Detective the Movie: Secret of Souffle Island” will be released on August 13th, 2021. Along with this, the new trailer of the movie was disclosed. This trailer introduces the interaction between the three characters, each acted by Rio Suzuki, Shigeru Chiba, and Hiroshi Kamiya. Rio Suzuki, who is the guest voice actor of this film, plays the role of LuLu.
“Butt Detective” is a series of books produced by Troll for children from infants to elementary school lower graders.
“Butt Detective the Movie: Secret of Souffle Island” is the third title of the Butt Detective series, followed by “Butt Detective the Movie: The Case of the Courageous Curry” (2019) and “Butt Detective the Movie: Mystery of the Ladybug Ruins” (2020).
As the guest actor, Rio Suzuki will act as Lulu, a tomboy always full of curiosity. Other guest actors are Shigeru Chiba as Zaza, Hiroshi Kamiya as Ruka, and Akira Kamiya as Pepe.
The trailer introduces the funny interaction between the three characters acted by Suzuki, Chiba, and H.Kamiya. At “Souffle Island” which sets the stage for the latest film, Luka’s father Zaza (Chiba) and brother Ruka (H.Kamiya) worry about Lulu, a curious tomboy who is soaring through the skies. This trailer enabled the fans to have a peek at the content of the film.
“Butt Detective the Movie: Secret of Souffle Island” will be first-run in August 13th, 2021.
© Troll/POPLAR
© 2021 Toei Manga Festival Production Committee
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