The “Mobile Suit Z Gundam” trilogy, “Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Heir to the Stars,” “Mobile Suit Z Gundam II: Lovers,” and “Mobile Suit Z Gundam III: Love is the Pulse of the Stars,” will be broadcast on BS12’s “Sunday Anime Theater” for three consecutive weeks starting April 11.
Mobile Suit Z Gundam: A New Translation” is a trilogy of 50 episodes of “Mobile Suit Z Gundam” broadcasted on TV from 1985 to 1986, which were re-edited and reconstructed in three parts with new cuts. They were released in theaters one after another from 2005 to 2006.
BS12 (TUV), a nationwide free-to-air broadcasting station, will broadcast “Mobile Suit Z Gundam: Heir to the Stars” on April 11, “Mobile Suit Z Gundam II: Lovers” on April 18, and “Mobile Suit Z Gundam III: Love is the Pulse of the Stars” on April 25, for three consecutive weeks.
The “Mobile Suit Z Gundam” trilogy will start airing on BS12 (TV) “Sunday Anime Theater” from 7:00 p.m. on April 11.
(C) Sotsu, Sunrise
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