The short anime series “Oshiete Hokusai! The Animation” is scheduled to be broadcast in 2021. Comments from creator/director Iwakiri Naoto have also been published.
“Oshiete Hokusai! The Animation” is a short anime based on Iwakiri Naoto’s manga titled: “Yume wo Kanaeru Bakusho! Nihon Bijutsu Manga Oshiete Hokusai!”. The story follows a useless high school student and her growth after taking lessons from Japan’s renown super artist. There will be a total of 10 episodes, with each episode scheduled to be 10 minutes long and the production headed by ComiX Wave Film.
The director who will be charge of image production and animation no one other than Iwakiri Naoto, the creator of the original work. He intends to infuse the anime adaptation with “passionate energy that will infect people after watching it! I am working hard with this concept in mind”.
In addition, a teaser visual has been released. It features a picture of the Thunder and Lightning God Screens with an added cute touch to the Thunder and Lightning Gods, making it a promising anime for learning more about Japanese art in a fun way.
“Director Iwakiri Naoto”
Whoever watches this will get fired up! That is the concept that I am working hard to incorporate into this work. I hope that everyone will be able to watch the main character, Tenkorin, and laugh, cry and get a little courage from her. I want people to think that “if a person has something that they want to do, that’s enough to be an embodiment of talent!!”. Thank you for all your support!
(C) Iwakiri Naoto/CWF
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