The short anime series "Oshiete Hokusai! The Animation" is scheduled to be broadcast in 2021. Comments from creator/director Iwakiri Naoto…
The short gag anime "You’re An Idol?! Kekeko-chan", directed by Daichi Akitarou, who is famous for "Gag Manga Weather", "Sexy…
Smartphone game "Monster Strike" and animation production company "Madhouse" launch their first collaboration project. The original short film "Zetsubou Funsai…
The latest works "Olympia Kyklos" by manga artist Yamazaki Mari who worked on "Thermae Romae" has been decided to be…
The web video "Bisco Secret Santa Claus Party Talk Show", which featured the voice actors, Sakurai Takahiro, Hanae Natsuki, and…