From “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing” comes Tallgeese under “GUNDAM UNIVERSE”, the figure series developing mainly in North America. Pre-orders are currently available at general retail stores.
“GUNDAM UNIVERSE OZ-00MS TALLGEESE” is a roughly 150mm figure of Tallgeese. It is the first “non-Gundam type Mobile Suit” product in the series.
The giant weapons and massive silhouette give the figure an powerful presence.
Display it with “GUNDAM UNIVERSE XXXG-01W WING GUNDAM” (sold separately) to recreate the fierce battles.
“GUNDAM UNIVERSE OZ-00MS TALLGEESE” is priced at 3,000 JPY (tax excluded). Pre-orders are currently available at general retail stores and is scheduled to be released in Oct. 2020.
(C)Sotsu・Surise (C)SOTSU・SUNRISE