The anime film set in Sichuan, China, “Kukuriraige: Sanxingdui Denki”, and “Jewelpet: Attack Travel” have been delayed from the original released date, Feb. 7, 2020, due to various circumstances of the production. Further information about the released date will be announced once it has been decided.
“Kukuriraige: Sanxingdui Denki” is a fantasy animation inspired by “Sanxingdui Ruins” of Shu which is said to have flourished in Yangtze civilization thousands of years ago. The story is set in an underground world where the “Masked King”, Sheargan, has absolute control, and depicts the adventures of the siblings, Lilyn and Sauda, and Masala, who have discovered an unknown world no one has seen before.
“Jewelpet: Attack Travel”, which will be screened along with “Kukuriraige: Sanxingdui Denki”, is a completely new anime film of “Jewelpet”, which reached its 10th anniversary of becoming a TV anime in 2019. A mysterious character joins the Jewelpets on a trip to Sichuan, China…
“Kukuriraige: Sanxingdui Denki”
Lilyn: Miyake Marie, Sauda: Ono Daisuke, Masala: Enoki Junya
Sheargan: Genda Tesshou, Pacti: Sawashiro Miyuki, Taba: Kusunoki Taiten, Gousha: Koyasu Taketo
Tsurugi: Sasaki Katsuhiko, Olive: Yamagata Kaori, Grandma Mado: Suzuki Reiko, Luke: Matsuda Risae
and more
“Jewelpet: Attack Travel”
Ruby: Saitou Ayaka, Garnet: Hirano Aya, Sapphie: Sasaki Nozomi, Labra: Sawashiro Miyuki
Rald: Tsuchiya Mayumi, Teacher Iruka: Iwasaki Masami
Tour Conductor: Kusao Tsuyoshi, Driver: Yao Kazuki, Bus Guid: Miyake Marie
Monkey: Matsuda Risae, Fairy: Ueda Youji, Fairy: Matsuzaki Rei