The seventh series of the collaboration between "Touken Ranbu -Online-" and the illustrator Kito Inori has been released. The Osafunes, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki, Izuminokami Kanesada and Kasen Kanesada have come to the "Touken Danshi x Fruits series". A total of 6 items; a traveler's pouch, a thermo mug stainless bottle, a mini-wallet, an accessory case (mini-multiuse-case), a compact mirror, and a bandana, were released.
"ANIMATION ADDICT STORE" is a online store that sells addictive goods from anime, manga, and games to spice up your everyday life. Besides "Token Ranbu -ONLINE-", they have created products from a unique perspective such as, "Evangelion's Leather Jacket", "Danboard's Tote Bag", "Ping Pong's Racket Backpack", and "Yowamushi Pedal's Jacquard Merchandise".
The 3 new designs are; Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki x Oranges, The Osafunes (Shokudaikiri Mitsutada, Daihannya Nagamitsu, Koryu Kagemitsu, Kenshin Kagemitsu, Azuki Nagamitsu) x Mixed Berries, Izuminokami Kanesada and Kasen Kanesada x Pomegranate.
The just-size "Traveler's Pouch" is 2,500JPY, the insulated "thermo mug Stainless Bottle" is 3,800JPY, the charming palm-size "Mini-Wallet" is 3,500JPY, the portable "Accessory Case (mini-multiuse-case)" is 1,600JPY, the "Compact Mirror" that fits right in the pouch is 1,500JPY, and the "Bandana" which you can use for wrapping your bento is 1,800JPY. All prices do not include tax.
The orders of "Token Ranbu -ONLINE" and Kito Inori collaboration goods; "Traveler's Pouch", "thermo mug Stainless Bottle", "Mini-Wallet", "Accessory Case (mini-multiuse-case)", "Compact Mirror", "Bandana", will be accepted at "ANIMATION ADDICT STORE" from Dec. 5 to Dec. 29, 2019. Shipping is scheduled for late Mar. 2020.
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