“Anime the elderly like when they were young” were ranked in the 「Senior Life Awareness Survey 2019」 by Sony Life Insurance. After questioning 1,000 50 ~ 70 years old male and female elderly, the results were 『Astro Boy』in first place、『Stars of the Giant』in second and 『Sazae-san』in third.

Top 5 are as follow, 『Astro Boy』in 1st、『Stars of the Giant』in 2nd、『Sazae-san』in 3rd、『Sally the Witch』in 4th and 『Candy Candy』in 5th.
In particular, the series that first aired in 1963 『Astro Boy』, it was a TV anime series that was seen as a national treasure. Even for the senior generation, its a memorable anime that they used to dream about back when they were young.

For the other rankings which includes same amount of votes, the top 10 consists of 『Heidi, Girl of the Alps』『Tetsujin 28-go』『Doraemon』『Space Battleship Yamato』『Mazinger Z』『Mobile Suit Gundam』
When the genders are separated, the male side answered 『Astro Boy』『Star of the Giants』『Tetsujin 28-go』, meanwhile the female side answered 『Astro Boy』『Candy Candy』『Sazae-san』『Sally the Witch』.

「Senior Life Awareness Survey 2019」 (by Sony Life Insurance)
Survey Target:
Men and women aged around 50 to 79 nationwide within Net Asia Research monitor as the population
Survey Period:30th to 31 July 2019
Survey Method:Internet Survey
Survey Area:Entire nation
Valid Responses Received:1,000 sample (Extracted from valid responses so that gender x age classification is equal)
500 Male:250 in their 50s/250 in their 60s and 70s
500 Female:250 in their 50s/250 in their 60s and 70s
Survey Partner Company:Net Asia