Anime!Anime! has a quiz for you!
Q. Whose eyes are these?
A. Haibara Ai (Detective Conan)
Detective Conan, serialized in Weekly Shōnen Sunday since 1994 by Aoyama Gosho, is a mystery manga about Kudo Shinichi, a high school detective who is transformed into the body of a child by the mysterious Black Organization. The story follows Shinichi as he takes on challenging cases as “Edogawa Conan.” The TV series began in January 1996 and reached its 1,000th episode in March 2021.
Released on April 14, 2023, the 26th film “Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine” takes place at Interpol’s offshore facility “Pacific Buoy.” As the police force, FBI, and the Black Organization come into a full collision, a dark shadow approaches Haibara Ai.
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