The anime adaptation of the manga “Onna no Sono no Hoshi” has been announced together with the release of the special edition of volume 3 with a Blu-ray Disc that will be released on December 8th, 2022. The cast is Hoshino Gen as Hoshi-sensei, and Miyano Mamoru as the colleague Kobayashi-sensei, their comments have been released as well.
“Onna no Sono no Hoshi” is a manga that depicts the daily lives of the teachers at a certain all girls school by Wayama Yama, known for “Captivated, by You” and has won numerous manga awards, including the New Face Award of “The 23rd Japan Media Arts Festival” and the Short Work Prize of “The 24th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize”.
This work has received passionate supports from the female as it has won the female category of “Kono Manga ga Sugoi! 2021”, 1st place of “Recommended Manga Selected by the Manga’s Editorial”, best female manga on “Apple Book Store 2020”, and other numerous awards.
For the anime adaptation, it was revealed that Hoshino Gen is the voice of Hoshi-sensei, a national language teacher at a certain all-girls school. Toward this anime adaptation, Hoshino commented, “As I was looking forward to the latest volume, I was quite astonished and happy when I received this offer. I will do my best so that I can be part of the cog of Wayama -sensei’s animation world as Hoshi-sensei.”
Also, the colleague of Hoshi-sensei, Kobayashi-sensei is voiced by Miyano Mamoru. The comments of Miyano toward this anime adaptation are “I was glad when I received the offer, and I am also quite grateful since I am able to co-star with Hoshino-san in an anime. The unique friendliness between Hoshi-sensei and Kobayashi-sensei is truly amazing, so I hope that I am able to display the best combination with Hoshino-san as well!”
The original anime will be included in the special edition of “Onna no Sono no Hoshi” volume 3 that comes with a Blu-ray Disc that will be released on December 8th, 2022. As this special edition will be completely order-to-made, and the expected price is 4,884 JPY (tax included). The original anime will contain two episodes with a duration of approximately 20 minutes.
The pre-orders are available on nationwide bookstores and online bookstores until September 20th, so don’t miss it out if you are a fan.
<Below are the full commentary>
【Hoshino-sensei, Hoshino Gen】
As I was looking forward to the latest volume, I was quite astonished and happy when I received this offer.
Moreover, when I heard that Kobayashi-sensei will be played by Miyano-kun, I am eager toward the recording as I believe the venue will be quite joyful.
I will do my best so that I can be part of the cog of Wayama Yama-sensei’s animation world as Hoshi-sensei.
【Kobayashi-sensei, Miyano Mamoru】
I was glad when I received the offer, and I am also quite grateful since I am able to co-star with Hoshino-san in an anime.
I completely have no idea on the “common facts of an all-girls school” (haha), but I really enjoy reading the “common facts of the daily lives heart-warming enjoyment”.
There were even scenes that made me laugh unexpectedly (haha).
The unique friendliness between Hoshi-sensei and Kobayashi-sensei is truly amazing, so I hope that I am able to display the best combination with Hoshino-san as well!
So, please do look forward to it!
【Original Author, Wayama Yama】
As the anime adaptation of “Onna no Sono no Hoshi” has been announced, is it really okay for me to have this kind of dream-like situation?
I can’t look forward to the characters’ voices as well as their colors and movement!
I truly appreciate everyone that is involved in the production.
(C) Anime “Onna no Sono no Hoshi” Production Committee
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