“The Summit of the Gods”, a French animation movie based on the Japanese masterpiece adventure mystery manga written by Baku Yumemakura and drawn by Jiro Taniguchi, and that has been selected at “the 74th Cannes International Film Festival” and recorded a big hit, will be released in Japan. It will be screened at Shinjuku Piccadilly, Human Trust Cinema Yurakucho, and other theaters from July 8, 2022.
Based on the best-selling novel by Baku Yumemakura,”The summit of the Gods” is the ultimate adventure mystery manga by Jiro Taniguchi, who has fans around the world with his overwhelming artistic technique.
It depicts Joji Habu, a lone climber, and Makoto Fukamachi, a cameraman who follows Habu, as they attempt an oxygen-free solo ascent of the southwest face of Mount Everest in winter, which is considered impossible, with approaching the biggest mystery in the history of mountaineering, “Did mountaineer Mallory succeed in climbing Everest for the first time?”.
Taniguchi, who passed away in 2017, also participated in the production of the animated film in France before his death. Then, over the course of seven years, the production team of the movie “Wolfwalkers” pursued the real life-threatening climbing scenes that could not be reproduced in live-action to the limit. The movie was officially screened at the “74th Cannes International Film Festival”, won the “47th Cesar Award” for Animation Film and recorded a huge hit, attracting over 130,000 viewers in France.
Along with the visuals and trailer, information on the Japanese dubbed version was also released for the film’s triumphant screening in Japan, the country of its origin.
The main character Makoto Fukamachi is played by Kenyu Horiuchi, the lone climber Habu Joji by Akio Otsuka, Habu’s junior Fumitaro by Ryota Osaka, and Ryoko, who holds a clue to Habu’s whereabouts, by Asami Imai.
“The Summit of the Gods” will be released in Shinjuku Piccadilly, Human Trust Cinema Yurakucho, and other theaters throughout Japan on July 8, 2012.
(C)Le Sommet des Dieux – 2021 / Julianne Films / Folivari / Mélusine Productions / France 3 Cinéma / Aura Cinéma
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