“The TV anime ‘Tokyo Revengers’ Special Event – Tachikawa Touring” will be held on December 18, 2021. Cast members including Shin Yuki, who plays the main character Hanagaki Takemichi, took to the stage and announced the production of the long-awaited “Holy Night Battle Arc” and the creation of an app game.
“Tokyo Revengers” is based on the manga by Wakui Ken, the author of “Shinjuku Swan”, which has been serialized in “Weekly Shonen Magazine” since 2017 and has sold over 40 million copies.
The protagonist is Hanagaki Takemichi, a useless part-time worker who has hit rock bottom in his life. He learns that Tachibana Hinata, his only girlfriend from junior high school, has been murdered by the Tokyo Manjikai, the worst gang of villains. The next day, Takemichi is on the platform at the station when someone pushes him back and he falls onto the tracks, ready to die, but when he opens his eyes, he somehow travels back to 12 years ago.
However, when he opens his eyes, he finds that he has somehow traveled 12 years back in time to his junior high school years, the highlight of his life.
The event for this film will be held on 18 December 2021.
The main characters, Shin Yuki as Hanagaki Takemichi, Hayashi Yu as Sano Manjiro, Mizunaka Masaaki as Baji Keisuke, Karino Sho as Matsuno Chifuyu, Matsuoka Yoshitusugu as Mitsuya Takashi, Nozuyama Yukihiro as Hayashi Ryohei, Toki Shunichi as Hanemiya Kazutora, and Eguchi Takuya as Hanma Shuji, appeared in the evening event and played games and recorded live.
Then, new information was revealed one after another.
First of all, the long-awaited “Holy Night Battle Arc” will be produced. It was announced with a PV featuring impressive scenes from “Bloody Halloween”, which made the audience excited at the venue.
Next, the first original application game for the TV anime “Tokyo Revengers” will be produced. On the teaser site, a mysterious countdown has begun.
Next, the stage “Tokyo Revengers” – Bloody Halloween Edition – will be performed in Osaka from 18 to 21 March 2022 and in Tokyo from 25 March to 3 April 2022. For more information, please check out the official website and Twitter of the stage “Tokyo Revengers”.
In addition, the show will be re-broadcast on TOKYO MX from 11:30 pm every Sunday from January 9, 2022, and on BS12 from 2:00 am every Wednesday from January 11, 2022. Don’t miss the chance to watch it as a prep and review before the “Holy Night Battle Arc”.
Original Story: Wakui Ken “Tokyo Revengers” (serialized in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Magazine)
Director: Hatsumi Koichi
Series Composition: Mutoh Yasuyuki
Character Design: Onuki Kenichi / Ota Keiko
Mechanical/Prop Design: Fukushima Hideki
Art Director: Otsuzuki Manabu
Art Design: Ogura Naomi / Taniuchi Yuho
Color Designer: Tsujita Kunio
Director of Photography: Yamamoto Mitsuyoshi
3D Director: Taira Masato
Sound Director: Iida Satoki
Music: Tsutsumi Hiroaki
Animation Production: Liden Films
(C) Wakui Ken, Kodansha / Anime “Tokyo Revengers” Production Committee
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