Netflix anime series ‘Super Crooks’ has announced the cast Hiroshi Yanaka, Yasuji Kimura, Taki Pierre, Junichi Suwabe, Hisao Egawa, Eiji Takemoto, Tetsu Inada, Noboru Kimura, Wataru Hatano, and KENN, in addition to Kenjiro Tsuda and Maaya Sakamoto, who had been announced previously. A trailer has also been released along with the announcement.
The original work of ‘Super Crooks’ is a crime-action comic series of the same name produced by Mark Millar, a legendary figure in the comic industry, and Leinil Yu, a comic book artist. The story centers around a small-time crook Johnny Bolt who recruits the villains that have superpowers for his one last burglary targeting a ruthless super-powered criminal.
Motonobu Hori, the director of “Carole & Tuesday,” will serve as the director, and Bones, a highly appreciated anime creating company, will be in charge of the production.
Kenjiro Tsuda as Johnny Bolt and Maaya Sakamoto as Kasey had been announced as the main cast so far. This time, additional cast members including Hiroshi Yanaka, Yasuji Kimura, Taki Pierre, Junichi Suwabe, Hisao Egawa, Eiji Takemoto, Tetsu Inada, Noboru Kimura, Wataru Hatano, and KENN have been announced.
The official trailer shows how Johnny and his colleagues −the Super-Villains− fight against their enemy in the city of San Francisco, although they are not spotlighted as superheroes. The speedy, racing action scenes enhance fans’ expectations towards the show.
Moreover, they have announced that TOWA TEI will be in charge of the background music. He wrote an original track for this anime and made instrumentals featuring the existing tracks such as “SUGAR” and “ALPHA.” The soundtrack titled “SUPER CROOKS (SOUNDTRACK FROM THE NETFLIX SERIES)” will be on sale on November 27th.
The streaming of all 13 episodes of the Netflix series “Super Crooks” will begin worldwide exclusively on Netflix from November 25th.
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