The TV series of “Violet Evergarden” produced by Kyoto Animation will be aired on “Friday Roadshow” on October 29 as a “special edited version”, newly reconstructed under the supervision of director Ishidate Taichi. A comment from director Ishidate has also arrived.
In addition, the following week on November 5, “Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll”, which was screened, will also be broadcast on terrestrial waves for the first time as the full-length version.
“Violet Evergarden” depicts Violet, an emotionless girl who participated in the Great War as a soldier at a young age. After the war, she takes a job as an “auto memory doll” that writes letters on behalf of others, and while receiving various requests, she searches for the meaning of the words “I love you” that her superior told her on the battlefield.
The TV series that aired in 2018 became a big topic at the time as an “anime that makes you cry,” and ranked in 1st ion Anime! Anime!’s survey “What’s the anime that makes you cry the most?” In 2019, “Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll” will be released, and the new original work “The Movie: Violet Evergarden”, which was released in 2020, made a box office hit with 2.13 billion yen in revenue and won the Japan Academy Prize for Excellence.
“’Violet Evergarden’ Friday Roadshow Special Edition”, which will be broadcast on October 29, is a reconstruction of the TV series under the complete supervision of director Ishidate Taichi. It will be a special edition that concentrates the charm of this work, focusing on episodes 1 to 3, which are the beginning of the story, episodes 7 and 9, which are said to be masterpieces, and episode 10, which has been praised as the a best episode.
Then, on November 5, “Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll” will be broadcast for the first time on terrestrial waves without any cuts to the main story. As in the TV series, the heartwarming story of Violet, who has grown up as an auto memory doll, coming to terms with Isabella, the daughter of a good family who has made a “contract” with her father, unfolds as each character’s feelings touch the heart.
Please enjoy the masterpiece where many people have told others about the charm, and the circle of emotions has expanded.
“Violet Evergarden Special Edition” will be aired on October 29, and “Violet Evergarden Gaiden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll” will be aired on “Friday Roadshow” on November 5 .
<The full text of the comments is as follows>
[Director Ishidate Taichi]
Thank you very much for airing “Violet Evergarden” on Friday Roadshow.
We have re-edited the 13 episodes that were originally produced as a TV series for the Friday Roadshow special edition.
For those of you who have seen it once, and for those of you who have yet to see it, the life of a woman named Violet Evergarden begins here and I hope that as many people as possible will be able to see that moment.
I would also be very happy if Violet’s journey could be a positive one in the lives of those who see it.
The motif of this work is letters.
Just as we put our feelings into our letters, we also put a lot of our feelings into this film.
If you have time, I hope you will enjoy it.
Thank you very much.
“Violet Evergarden” Director: Ishidate Taichi
(C) Akatsuki Kana, Kyoto Animation / Violet Evergarden Production Committee
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