“GUNDAM Cafe”, the character-themed cafe based on the “Mobile Suit Gundam” series, released the meal kit “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing PUG & Night Online Menu Set” from its Halloween menu. Preordering is available at “Premium Bandai”.
The product “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing PUG & Night Online Menu Set” allows fans to enjoy at home the fairs “PUG (Pick up GUNDAM) and “Night Party Event”, which are happening at GUNDAM Cafe during October 2021.
“The Wing that Dashes Across the Mysterious Night ~ Pumpkin Gratin” can be easily prepared with a microwave oven and comes with Halloween table accessories.
The kit also comes with exclusive cutlery rests (5 variations in total) featuring original illustrations from GUNDAM Cafe.
An original frame with augmented reality markers is also included, allowing fans to have fun taking commemorative photos.
“Mobile Suit Gundam Wing PUG & Night Online Menu Set” is priced 3,000JPY (tax included / shipping, handling fees not included). Preorders are available at “Premium Bandai”, the item will be delivered during October.
(C) Sotsu Sunrise
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