The collaboration with the movie, “Ryoma! Rebirth Movie The Prince of Tennis”, began from September 3, 2021 at CAPCOM Café Ikebukuro. The original collaboration goods are revealed all at once this time.
Original goods include the following 9 items, including the popular “clear files” and “acrylic stand keychain” to “bag key clip” with luxurious lame acryl. The “memo stand” where you can attach reminders will be a reliable item that will support your learnings and work.
The main product of this collaboration is the “racket-shaped cutting board” in the shape of the familiar tennis racket. Any item can make this full of impact, and an one-plate lunch will make it into the special technique in the manga. These items could be purchased only in this collaboration, so fans must check this out for sure.
The movie “Ryoma! Rebirth Movie The Prince of Tennis” collaboration will be held until October 14, 2021 at CAPCOM Café Ikebukuro. “Online reservation” is also available and this system reserve your seats in advance at “CAPCOM Café” official website.
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