A special anime commemorating the 20th anniversary of the publication of the fantasy historical novel series “Shabake” by Hatakenaka Megumi and the release of her latest book “Mou Ichido”, has been released. It is currently being streamed on the “Shabake Official Website”. Comments from the cast members including Enoki Junya, Uchiyama Koki and others have also arrived.
“Shabake” is a fantasy historical novel by Hatakenaka Megumi that has sold more than 9 million copies in total. The story is about a sickly young master who solves difficult cases in Edo with demons.
Today, to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the publication of the “Shabake” series and the release of the latest book “Mou Ichido”, the “Shabake 20th Anniversary Special Anime” was released.
It is directed by Ito Hideki known for “Natsume’s Book of Friends the Movie: Ephemeral Bond,” and produced by the anime studio Shuka, which also produces the “Natsume’s Book of Friends” series.
Also, the cast members include Enoki Junya as Young Master, Uchiyama Koki as Nikichi, Azakami Yohei as Sasuke, Kimura Ryohei as Byobu Nozoki, and Kanemoto Hisako as Suzuhikohime.
In about three minutes, all the famous scenes from the “Shabake” series are condensed into one gorgeous work that both long-time fans and those who want to learn more about “Shabake” would enjoy.
“The 20th Anniversary Special Anime ‘Shabake’” is now available on the “Shabake Official Website.” The latest book in the series, “Mou Ichido,” is priced at 1,540 JPY (tax included). It is currently on sale at physical bookstores and online bookstores.
<The following is the full text of the comments>
Enoki Junya as Young Master
I was aware that this is one of the most popular works by Hatakenaka Megumi, especially since it has been dramatized and adapted for the stage before, but when the information about this anime came out, I was told by many people that I would be playing as Young Master, which made me realize once again how great “Shabake” is. This anime is like a collection of famous scenes from the series, so I hope everyone enjoys it!
Uchiyama Kouki as Nikichi
I hope that the fans of the original story will enjoy it, and I also hope that those who don’t know about “Shabake” will watch this anime and become interested in the work.
Azakami Yohei as Sasuke
I feel bad to say that I haven’t had a chance to know the “Shabake” series before, so this recording was a great opportunity for me to read it. I was fascinated by the story of a young master who is swept away by the unique demons and townspeople, but is able to stand on his own! Sasuke seems to be more clumsy than Nikichi. I played as Sasuke with importance placed on the strength and kindness he possesses. I believe that this is a work that many people will be excited about.
Kimura Ryohei as Byobu Nozoki
I’m very happy to be involved in a work that I’ve read as a fan. I’m also looking forward to seeing how that beautiful and gentle world will be portrayed!
Kanemoto Hisako as Suzuhikohime
I first encountered the “Shabake” novels when I was in high school. I was drawn in at once by the relationship between the young master and the demons, as well as by my love of historical fiction! I remember how much I enjoyed reading the novel, so I was very happy and surprised to be asked to participate in this! I hope you enjoy the world of “Shabake” in the anime as well!
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