An anime film adaptation of the TV anime “Dakaichi: I’m Being Harassed By the Sexiest Man of the Year” will be released in the autumn of 2021 after about 3 years since its anime television series adaptation began to be aired. The teaser visual and PV have also been revealed.
This is based on a same-titled manga by Sakurabi Hashigo, which was serialized from July 2013, and total copies of which have exceeded 4 million. The story depicts boys’ love developed in the entertainment world
In the film adaptation, Saijo Takato, a veteran actor who has been chosen as “the Sexiest Man of the Year” for 5 years in a row, and Azumaya Junta, a rookie actor who dethroned the title, are going to Spain.
The teaser visual was produced based on a draft by the author Sakurabi Hashigo, featuring Azumaya Junta and Saijo Takato walking toward where the light shines with the city in Spain in the background.
The cast members will include Ono Yuki and Takahashi Hiroki, and animation production will be handled by CloverWorks just as the TV series.
“Dakaichi: Spain Arc” will be released in the autumn of 2021.
(C)Sakurabi Hashigo / Libre 2021 / DO1 PROJECT
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