The main protagonist of Ryotsu Kankichi of “Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kouen Mae Hashutsujo” that was serialized on “Weekly Shounen Jump” has welcomed his birthday on March 3. To commemorate this, ABEMA will be doing a 45 episodes marathon of the anime series.
“Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kouen Mae Hashutsujo” is a comedy manga that welcomes its 45th serialization anniversary this year. It depicts the noisy life of the unprecedented policeman, Ryotsu Kankichi, also known as “Ryo-san” together with this colleagues, and it is a work that is loved by many.
To commemorate Ryo-san’s birthday and the 45th serialization anniversary, a marathon of the TV series will be done on ABEMA “Minna no Anime 2 Channel”.
The non-stop broadcast of episode 1 to episode 45 will start on 12:00 AM, March 3, on Ryo-san’s birthday.
(C) Akimoto Osamu, Atelier B-tama/ Shueisha, ADK
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