“The Irregular at Magic High School” is a work written by Satou Tsutomu and illustrated by Ishida Kana. At the end of the night performance of the event “The Irregular at Magic High School: Shivering Visitor Arc” on February 28, 2021, a special PV depicting the anime adaptation of “The Irregular at Magic High School: Reminiscence Arc” was announced.
The anime adaptation of “The Irregular at Magic High School: Reminiscence Arc” is part of the 10th anniversary project of the “Mahouka” series, which will be welcomed in July 2021. This arc is a popular episode among the fans of the light novel, and it depicts the past of Tatsuya and Miyuki,
Further details about the anime “The Irregular at Magic High School: Reminiscence Arc” will be announced soon.
(C)2019 Satou Tsutomu/KADOKAWA/The Irregular at Magic High School 2 Production Committee
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