Adapted as a Netflix original anime, “High-Rise Invasion”, is set to premiere world-wide on Feb. 25, 2021. In celebration, the first 3 volumes of the original manga in which the series is based off will be available for free on “Magapoke”.
“High-Rise Invasion” is a mystery-suspense manga written by the creator of “Ajin”, Miura Tsuina and illustrated by Oba Takahiro.
Suddenly transported from school to a world made of swarms of skyscrapers, the plot focuses on protagonist Honjo Yuri and her friends fighting against mysterious masked foes. The sequel of the manga, “High-Rise Invasion Arrive” is currently being serialized on “Magapoke”.
Celebrating the anime adaptation, the first 3 volumes of the original manga is available for free. All the volumes from the 3rd volume onwards, are also being sold for half the price. It’s a great opportunity to recap the series’ story.
The free volumes viewing and half price discounts of “High-Rise Invasion” will start from Mar. 10, 2021 on “Magapoke”.
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