The latest anime series by general director Oshii Mamoru and director Nishimura Junji, “Vladlove”, will be streamed on ABEMA, Amazon Prime Video, d Anime Store, Hulu, U-Next, and other streaming services from February 14, 2021.
“Vladlove” is a new anime created by Oshii Mamoru from “Patlabor” and “Ghost In The Shell” as drafter/scriptwriter/general director and Nishimura Junji as director, who team up for the first time since they worked on “Urusei Yatsura”.
The protagonist of this show, Banba Mitsugu, is a high school girl who is seriously addicted to blood donation. She goes to the blood donation van so often that the nurses treat her as a nuisance.
One day, Mitsugu meets a beautiful foreign (?) girl at the van. As she was about to be taken her blood, the pale girl suddenly got violent and destroys the van. The girl faints and Mitsugu impulsively decides to take her home…
It has been decided that “Vladlove” Episode 1-6 will be streamed on ABEMA, Amazon Prime Video, d Anime Store, Hulu, U-Next, and other streaming services from 12:00 am on February 14, 2021.
In commemoration, “Vladlove Kaitai Shinsho”, a book full of unreleased, secret documents, including the settings of each character and the first image sketches, will be released on March 5. Pre-orders are currently available.
(C) 2020 Oshii Mamoru / Ichigo Animation
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