“I-Chu” is a TV anime scheduled to begin its broadcast on January 6, 2021. In “Housou Chokuzen! Christmas Eve Eve Live Streaming Program” (“eve” is used to mean “the day before” in Japan), which was broadcast on December 23, 2020, the special opening theme song for the 1st episode of the anime, which was written and composed by Tsunku, was revealed.
“I-Chu” is a TV anime based on an idol training game in which you become a teacher/producer and train aspiring idols called I-Chus to become famous.
The anime depicts the glamourous coming-of-age story of the I-Chu’s who entered “Etoile Vioschool”, a school that trains their students to become great idols, working hard to achieve their goals.
The special opening theme song, “Ichibanboshi no Uta ~Mirai no Legend Densetsu~”, which was revealed for the first time, was written and composed by Tsunku. The 4th promo video of the anime features this song.
Tsunku commented on this song.
The TV anime “I-Chu” will be broadcast on Tokyo MX and other channels from January 6, 2021.
Comment from Tsunku
So my job here was to create a song from an anime.
Nothing new right?
But somehow I have a strange feeling.
This song is actually the song used to evaluate the attendants of the audition for the “idol agency” in the anime.
I was so confused! What does that supposed to mean?!
“We want you to make a song that already exists in the world of this anime, and the ‘aspiring idols’ sing it at the audition, but it also has to be a song that cheers for those ‘aspiring idols’.”
Okay, I get it… Let me sort it out in my mind… What? There’s more?
“We also want it to be a song that brings out the youthful memories of the fans and make them want to sing along in a live performance! (both in the anime and actual concerts performed by the voice actors)”
Wait, what did you just say?!
How am I supposed to answer this riddle-like request of a song?!
Okay, I’ll do it!
I’ll roll up my sleeves double-fold and do whatever it takes!
So I made a song, not energetic like the last one, but more fit for an iconic scene of youth, just like “Okurukotoba” for Kinpachi-sensei from the Showa era, but Reiwa’s I-Chu needst something different. I made the song with warmth and a strong message in mind.
I myself had a time struggling to become a professional musician, and it was really hard, but when I look back, it’s now become a fun memory. I remember it being hard, but it doesn’t remind me of the pain I felt at the time. It’s just a phase to me.
The idols that sing this song may already understand this feeling, or maybe they’re still at the beginning stage of their career, moaning about how hard it is, how painful it is, and how hungry they are.
But just like the lyrics in this song, “We’re here today because we believed in it.”
I hope they’ll feel proud about the path they’ve come so far.
By the way, the lyrics at the beginning are a message that our hard work isn’t hidden in the shadows and the stars are watching over us. And of course, the “stars” are all the fans out there! I wrote the lyrics for the chorus with the image in my mind of all the fans pointing together at that “brightest star in the sky”.
The spread of COVID-19 made it difficult to have concerts, but our minds are together as one.
Let’s overcome this hardship together.
I’m really looking forward to the broadcast”
(C) Liber Entertainment Inc. / Eldoll PR Department