Nippon Animation, known for”Chibi Maruko-chan”, “World Masterpiece Theater”, has announced the release of an anime adaptation of the 4-frame manga “Okashina sabaku no suna to manu” from SNS. Broadcasting will start on February 13, 2021.
“Okashina sabaku no suna to manu” is a 4-frame manga that has been published on SNS by illustrator Suzuna Takamura since 2019.
It’s a story of strange judgment that begins when a chilling cat, Manu, arrives at the house of Shuganeko, Suna, who lives in the “sugar desert.”
In the anime adaptation, Hayama Shota will play the role of Suna and Iwasaki Ryota will play the role of Numa.
Also, the newest song “Black Coffee” by “New Generation ZARD Tribute Band” SARD UNDERGROUND, the members of which are sympathized with the work of artist ZARD was announced as the theme song.
The anime “Okashina sabaku no suna to manu” will be broadcast on Kansai TV, TV Aichi, and other channels from February 13, 2021.
In addition, from December 22, 2020, the original “Okashina sabaku no suna to manu” will be distributed on LINE Manga.
(C) Takamura Suzuna / Nippon Animation / MMDGP
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