A teenage ensemble cast set in Iwaki, Fukushima that depicts the protagonist, who chooses a hula girl as her job and her friends becomes the original animation movie called “Hula Hula Dance” and has been decided to be released in the summer 2021. Fukuhara Haruka will play the protagonist and the main staff and teaser visual have been revealed this time.
Whom plays the protagonist Natsunagi Hiwa, a girl who became a hula girl after her older sister, is the actress Fukuhara Haruka. She has appeared in movies including “Kirakira ☆ Pretty Cure Alamode” and “Kaguya-sama: Love is War”, and this is the first time for her to participate in the original animated movie.
Moreover, staff information has been released. The general producer is Mizushima Seiji, who had directed “Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A wakening of the Trailblazer” and “Full Metal Alchemist”. The producer is Watada Shinya of “Aikatsu Stars! the Movie”, the script will be written by Yoshida Reiko known for “Okko’s In”. BN Picture of “TIGER & BUNNY” will be in charge of anime production.
The impressive teaser visual sets the protagonist Hiwa in the center with the narration by Fukuhara herself together with the main phrase of the movie “I, will make ‘Hula’ as my job”.
Original animation movie “Hula Hula Dance” will be released in the summer of 2021.
<Full Comments are Listed Below>
Comments from Fukuhara Haruka
After I read the script, I liked how everyone becomes happy and meets new friends through hula dance. Because I participated in the audition to be accepted no matter what, therefore I was really happy when I passed the audience.
I hope my passion will reach you and hope to see you all become happier and have a smile.
Hiwa is an energetic, hardworking girl, but she is a delicate girl who is not confident in herself. I will do my best to play her delicate parts as well.
General Director Mizushima Seiji
I had watched the commercials of Tokiwa Hawaiian Center when I was young. I wished to visit there because I was surprised that Hawaii exists inside Japan. Sadly my wish did not become true, but this time I finally can create a teenage job story that I hope to produce one day with the story set in spa resort Hawaiians. I think this movie will make you love there and hula girls” Please watch “Hula Hula Dance”.
Director Watada Shinya
There was the announcement of “Hula Hula Dance Production”. This movie is all about the protagonist Hiwa, who is working hard to make her dream true, and she made the audience smile.
Please look forward to it!
(C) BNP, FUJITV/ Fashionable Salon Natsunagi
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