The cast for the brand-new TV anime “SHAMAN KING” has been announced on Sep. 17, 2020. Konishi Katsuyuki-san, Hayashibara Megumi-san, and Takayama Minami-san will continue their role as Amidamaru, Kyouyama Anna, and Hao while Hikasa Youko will take over the main protagonist Asakura Yoh from Satou Yuuko-san. After the announcement, it has become a hot topic and even the words “SHAMAN KING” have become a trend on Twitter.
“SHAMAN KING” is about the young boy Asakura Yoh, who can see ghosts, participates in the Shaman Fight, the competition to decide the strongest shaman, together with his friends
During the serialization from 1998 until 2004 on Shueisha’s “Weekly Shounen Jump”, it was under the title of “Shaman King” (aka ManKin) by Takei Hiroyuki sensei. After that during 2011 until 2014, it was written under the title of “Shaman King FLOWERS” at “Jump X” and now, it is currently serialized on Kodansha’s “Shounen Magazine Edge” under the title of “SHMAN KING THE SUPER STAR”.
The TV anime “Shaman King” was broadcasted from 2001 until 2002. At that time the director was Mizushima Seiji while the cast are Satou Yuuko-san as Asakura Yoh, Konishi Katsuyuki-san as Amidamaru, Inuyama Inuko-san as Oyamada Manta, Hayashibara Megumi-san as Kyouyama Anna, and Takayama Minami-san as Hao.
The teaser visual and teaser PV of the brand-new TV anime “SHAMAN KING” have been released along with an announcement of the four cast, which are Konishi-san, Hayashibara-san, Takayama-san, and Hikasa-san.
After seeing this news, there were many comments regarding the cast continuing their original roles on Twitter, including “I’m so glad that Takayama-san, Hayashibara-san, and Konishi-san are continuing their role…!”, “It’s so amazing that the main cast of Shaman King are continuing their role”, “I was shaken that the role of the proprietress remained the same. I believe that this is more than enough. On top of that, even the cast for Hao-sama and Amidamaru are the same, I can’t wait for the next cast announcement”, and “I cried in relief that Hayashibara-san is continuing her role”.
Regarding Hikasa-san taking over the role of Yoh, various comments, such as “It seems they have put a lot of efforts to gather the cast for SHAMAN KING~. HiYo(Hikasa Youko)-san is an amazing actress so she will create a good Yoh-kun”, “It’s a bit sad that it was not Satou Yuuko-san but I’m fine with Hikasa Youko-san as Yoh”, “Yoh-kun by Satou Yuuko-san will remain forever while Yoh-kun by Hikasa Youko-san will surely be adorable, I’ll be able to replay it in my brain in two different patterns if I want to”, and “Among the pressure as the other cast remain the same, I want to support Hiyo-chi so that she will be happy to be be a part of Mankin..
Also, after the cast announcement, Konishi-san himself tweeted a message to the fans via his own Twitter account, saying “It has been announced. Once again, I will be a part of the TV anime ‘SHAMAN KING’ as Amidamaru again. I’m am glad and grateful. Thank you a lot. I believe this is all because of everyone’s support! Look forward to it!!”
TV anime “SHAMAN KING” is scheduled to be broadcast on TV Tokyo affiliated.
(C)Takei Hiroyuki, Kodansha/SHAMAN KING Project., TV TOKYO
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