The short animation “Baja's Studio – Baja and the Sea -” produced by Kyoto Animation is scheduled to be released on General TV and NHK World Premium in Jul. 23, Marine Day.
The work is a sequel to the Kyoto Animation's short anime “Baja's Studio”, which was aired last November on General TV.
Here at the KOHATA Animation Studio, where dreams are the stock-in-trade, Baja was spending enjoyable days with his friend Ga-chan. One day, Baja hears Kanako and the others happily talking about the sea.
“It would be nice if we could go to the sea someday too…”
That night, Baja is shown the sea by Coco's magic…
What kind of adventure will await Baja in the vast sea? In the studio at midnight, a new journey that no one knows about is about to begin.
The short animation “Baja's Studio – Baja and the Sea -” will be broadcast on General TV and NHK World Premium in Jul. 23, Marine Day.
(C) Kyoto Animation All rights reserved
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