“Japan Sinks: 2020” is the first anime adaption of Komatsu Sakyou's bestseller novel by Yuasa Masaaki Kantoku. Scenes from the first half of the Netflix original anime have been revealed.
Also, Murota Kanae (voiced by Shiota Tomoko), Asada Osamu (voiced by Hamano Daiki), Daniel (voiced by George Cockle), and Ootani Saburou (voiced by Takeda Taichi), were introduced as new characters.
The story is set in 2020, modern-day Japan. It starts with Ayumu, the promising track team junior high student and the Mutou family losing their peaceful life instantly by a huge earthquake. They meet people in various circumstances, such as Koga Haruo, Miura Nanami, Kaito, and Hikita Kunio, during their desperate escape from Tokyo. Facing life and death, they become determined to live strongly with a faint hope of restoration.
The scenes that were released depict Ayumu and her family meeting others, encouraging each other, and coexisting with nature, to look forward to life even in the harshest days.
They show the strength of the characters to live wisely and not give up hope, even under the unimaginably fierce circumstances. What fate will await them in the forthcoming future?
As Ayumu and her family continue their journey under extreme conditions, they reach “Shan City”, and meet with 4 new characters, Murota Kanae, Asada Osamu, Daniel, and Ootani Saburou.
“Shan City” is a community facility where people who sought spiritual salvation gathered under Kanae, who has special powers, and her son Daichi.
Ayumu and her family start to feel better in the environment well-equipped with food, clothing, and shelter, along with electricity, a Kintsugi workshop, and even amusement facilities. However, the Japanese islands continue changing their shape, and the danger approaches them once again. It seems that their encounters with the people at this facility will have new effects on Ayumu and her family.
The Netflix original anime series “Japan Sinks: 2020″ will be exclusively available on Netflix all around the world from Jul. 9, 2020.
(C)”JAPAN SINKS: 2020” Project Partners
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