From “Mobile Suit Gundam 00V Senki” currently serialized on “Monthly Hobby Japan”, “Double 0 Gundam Seven Sword / G Inspection” has become Gunpla in the Perfect Grade (PG) series. It is currently available forpreorder at “Premium Bandai.”
In this product “Double 0 Gundam Seven Sword / G Inspection”, it expressed the red-dyed body with a molding color that concentrated on its texture. Also, the markings throughout the body haveas been changed to stickers with a new design.
Moreover, the distinctive seven swords and gun with an expanding and joining gimmicks included in the Gunpla is another feature to see “GN Buster Sword II” had light-emitting gimmicks with LED and optical guiding parts installed, “Large Armaments GN Sword II Blaster” is also reproduced on a large scale of 340mm in its dimension.
Furthermore, “GN Drive” on the head and both shoulders are installed with a light-emitting gimmick through LED units, the light source that emits light through spinning inner wheel produces a sense of freedom of the GN particles from the scenery.
“PG 1/60 Double 0 Gundam Seven Sword / G Inspection” is priced at 25,300 Yen (Tax Incl.). It is currently available for pre-order at “Premium Bandai”. Delivery is scheduled for Jun. 2020.
(C) Sotsu・Sunrise
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