“HARELUYA II BOY” is an anime based on the manga “BOY” by Umezawa Haruto. The anime will be broadcast as a digital image on various streaming services for the first time. This is the chance to check out this title which has never become a DVD/Blu-ray.
The original bad-boy manga “BOY” was serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” (Shueisha) by Umezawa Haruto through vol.50, 1992 to vol. 9, 1999. The delinquent high school student, Hibino Haruya (voiced by Miki Shinichirou) dreams of taking over the world. The anime depicts the incomparable slapstick days of him and his friend Okamoto Kiyoshirou (voiced by Ueda Yuuji).
The digital image of the anime “HARELUYA II BOY” will be aired on “d anime store”, “Bandai Channel”, “U-NEXT”, and other streaming services from Feb. 1, 2020.
(C)S・E/Shueisha・BOY Production Committee・TV Tokyo
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