The first work “Digimon Adventures” which marks the beginning for the “Digimon” anime series, will get a complete new anime titled “Digimon Adventures:” and is scheduled for TV airing in Apr, 2020. Visuals featuring the “The chosen children” along with their partner Digimons were released as well. In this work, Yagami Taichi's “new” adventure is set in 2020, where the digital world and the real world are closer than ever before.
“Digimon Adventure:” is a TV anime that was announced to mark the end of the 20th anniversary for “Digimon Adventure” that was broadcasted in 1999.
The story takes place in 2020, where the network have become essential in human lives. Large-scale network failures centered around the Tokyo metropolitan area, flashing traffic lights, garbled visions outside. The news reported them as cyber terrorism … as humans have yet to know what's on the other side of the network, the infinite world, the digital world, and the Digimons that are living there.
Yagami Taichi, a fifth-grade elementary student living in a tower apartment near Tokyo, was left home alone to prepare for a summer camp on the weekend, but after knowing that the train his mother and sister Hikari riding on to reach Shibuya can no longer stop.
Taichi rushes to Shibuya to help her mother and sister, but at the moment he heads for the station platform, a mysterious phenomenon occurs to the “chosen children” and Taichi enters the digital world. The kids meet their partner Digimon and face an unknown “adventure.”
This time, along with the completely new animation, the setting visuals for Yagami Taichi, the hero who leads his friends with courage and action, and his partner Agumon, which is a digimon that looks like a bipedal reptile type were released.
Do look forward to how the “chosen children” and the Digimons would play an active role in this work.
TV anime “Digimon Adventures:” will be broadcast on Fuji TV and others every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. from Apr, 2020.
(C)Hongo Akiyoshi・Fuji TV・Toei Animation
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