The anime series “Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These -Stellar War-” will be broadcast on TV for the first time on Family Gekijou (cable TV channel) from 7:00 pm on Jan. 13, 2020.
There have been 9 different special commercials to advertise the broadcast and also a follow and retweet campaign has been conducted by Family Gekijou's official Twitter account.
The special commercials of “Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These -Stellar War-” are focused on quotes and relations of the main characters; Reinhard, Yang, and Kircheis. Some scenes from the show that left a big impression are also featured, and they are planning to add more scenes.
FYI, the commercials can also be watched at the special website for “Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These -Stellar War-“, just in case you miss them on Family Gekijou.
The Family Gekijou official Twitter account is conducting a follow and retweet campaign to commemorate the first TV broadcast of “Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These -Stellar War-“. 10 applicants will be chosen by a lottery, and will be given 3,000JPY worth of Amazon gift cards.
Also, by tweeting your favorite quote from “Legend of the Galactic Heroes” with a hashtag, you can apply for the “Quote Poster & Family Gekijou Special Poster” (3 winners chosen by a lottery). Check out the official website for further information.
“Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These -Stellar War-” (2019・12 episodes)
Broadcast Date: Jan. 13, 2020 (Mon) 19:00 (episode 13 & 14)
Regular Broadcast: Every Wednesday from 10:00 pm starting on Jan. 15, 2020
(C)Tanaka Yoshiki Shochiku・Production I.G
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