The 47th Annie Awards, also begin known as the academy awards of anime world, released its nominees list. Animation works representing Japan including: Directors Shinkai Makoto’s “Weathering with you” is nominated in total of four different departments along with Kosaka Kitarou’s “Waka Okami ha Shogakusei!” and Imaishi Hiroyuki’s “Promare.”
The Annie Awards honors outstanding anime works and their directors released in the United States; this awards was established by the International Animation Film Association Hollywood Branch in 1972.
It is also famous for “The academy awards of the anime world”; director Hayao Miyazaki’s “Spirited Away” has swept 4 awards in 2003 including the Best Animated Feature. Last year of 2018, director Hosoda Mamoru’s “Mirai” won the Best Indie Feature Award.
Japanese animations nominated in the 47th Annie Awards are: “Weathering with you” in Best Indie Feature, Best FX for Feature, Best Direction Feature and Best writing Feature. “Waka Okami wa Shogakusei!” and “Promare” are also nominees in Best Indie Feature’s department. Many are excited to see if Japanese animation will win an award in two consecutive years.
Other overseas big titles includes: “Frozen 2” nominee in total of 8 departments, “Toy Story 4” nominee in total of 6 departments. On top of that, the highlight this year of the Annie Awards falls in the Best Animated Feature department where “Frozen 2”, “How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World”, “Klaus”, “Missing Link” and “Toy Story 4” will be contending against one another.
The 47th Annie Awards ceremony will be holding on January 25, 2020 (Local time Los Angeles, USA).
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