The first broadcast date of the TV anime “The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” has been set for July 7, 2023. A PV featuring the daily interaction between Fukuzawa Saku, played by Ishikawa Yui, and the cat Yukichi, played by Yasumoto Hiroki, has been released. Eleven additional cast members, including Kakuma Ai, Konishi Katsuyuki, and M.A.O., have also been announced.
“The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” is a comedy based on the manga series by Yamada Hitsuji, which is currently serialized in “Monthly Shonen Sirius” and has sold more than 1.05 million copies including electronic copies.
It depicts the daily life of Fukuzawa Saku, a company employee with zero life skills, and Yukichi, a slightly larger cat that perfectly performs household chores on her behalf.
The first broadcast date of this work has now been set for July 7. In the PV released in conjunction with this announcement, the main character, Fukuzawa Saku, played by Ishikawa Yui, can be seen at work and at home as a “bad person,” as well as in her daily interactions with the unprecedentedly successful cat, Yukichi, played by Yasumoto Hiroki. The scene of Saku’s encounter with Yukichi is also included in the film, which provides a fun and gentle view of the world.
In addition, 11 additional cast members were also revealed in this PV.
Kakuma Ai as Shibasaki Yuri, Konishi Katsuyuki as Orizuka Kaoru, M・A・O as Nishina Rio, Irino Miyu as the store manager, and Taketatsu Ayana as Yume. Hikasa Yoko plays Yume’s mother, Kubota Tamie plays Yume’s grandmother, Sato Satomi plays Saku’s mother, Fukuyama Jun plays Saku’s father, Inase Aoi plays Oshiro, and Taichi Kotoe plays Mei-san, her neighbor. The supporting cast of the story is also noteworthy.
The TV anime “The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today” will be broadcast from July 7, 2023, on MBS and TBS at 2:23 am every Friday and on BS-TBS at 3:00 am every Friday. We look forward to hearing more news.
(C) Yamada Hitsuji, Kodansha / The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today Production Committee
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