Gundam Aerial, the main character’s mobile suit from “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury,” the latest TV anime in the Gundam series to be broadcast from October 2022, will appear in the “ver. A.N.I.M.E.” series from the pre-colored action figure brand “ROBOT Tamashii.” Pre-orders are currently available on Tamashii Web Store from May 26, 2022.
“Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury” is the latest TV animation of the Gundam series after a seven-year absence. The “Nichi-5” (MBS/TBS network, 28 stations nationwide, Sunday 5:00 pm) anime slot that has produced numerous anime masterpieces such as “Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion R2” and “Mobile Suit Gundam OO” 2nd Season will return for the first time in five years and will start airing in October 2022.
In addition, production of “PROLOGUE,” a prequel to the main anime series, has also been decided. “PROLOGUE” is scheduled to be released this summer, prior to the broadcast of the full-length anime starting in October.
Gundam Aerial is the main character’s mobile suit in “Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury”. The “ROBOT Tamashii Gundam Aerial ver. A.N.I.M.E.” features flexible movement of the knees and hips, as well as a roll mechanism for the elbows, all of which were developed for the “ver. A.N.I.M.E.” series, allow for flexible posing, such as bending forward or bending greatly.
The Gundam Aerial’s distinctive design and silhouette have been thoroughly recreated, with clear parts for the head, chest, thighs, and back, and the characteristic internal slits have also been reproduced.
It comes with a rifle and shield, interchangeable wrist parts, effect parts, interchangeable antenna parts, and joint parts for the Tamashii STAGE, which can be combined to recreate a variety of situations.
The “ROBOT Tamashii Gundam Aerial ver. A.N.I.M.E.” is priced at 7,700 JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are currently available on Tamashii Web Store from 4:00 pm on May 26, 2022, and will be available at mass retailers nationwide from November 2022.
(C) Sotsu, Sunrise, MBS
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