The Amazon Audible of ‘Monogatari Series’, an audible series with the cast members of the anime ‘Monogatari Series’, including Kamiya Hiroshi, reciting the whole volume of the original story, has revealed the cast for the final season. Prominent voice actors including Shiraishi Ryoko, Hayami Saori, Saito Chiwa, Kato Emiri, and Inoue Marina will be the storytellers.
“Monogatari Series” is a novel series that centers on the protagonist Araragi Koyomi and other girls involved in “supernatural phenomena”.
Nishio Ishin started publishing the books from Kodansha in 2006, and the series became a big hit and got an anime adaptation.
The Amazon Audible (referred to as “Audible”) has streamed the readings of the first season and the second season, starting from the “Bakemonogatari (Vol. 1)” that was released in February 2021, featuring Kamiya Hiroshi as the reader.
Fans enjoy the voice actors of the anime series reading the whole volume as a new way of enjoying the work only available by audio.
The announcement disclosed the voice actors who will participate in the final Audible series.
The cast members include Shiraishi Ryoko as Kagenui Yozuru for “Tsukimonogatari”, Hayami Saori as Ononoki Yotsugi for “Koyomimonogatari”, Mizuhashi Kaori as Oshino Ougi Owarimonogatari (Vol. 1)”, Sato Chiwa as Senjougahara Hitagi for “Owarimonogatari (Vol. 2)”, Kato Emiri as Hachikuji Mayoi for “Owarimonogatari (Vol. 3)”, and Inoue Marina as Oikura Sodachi for “Zoku Owarimonogatari”. The voice actors for after the Off-Season will be announced at a later date.
Fans must also check the first season, which includes the storytelling of “Bakemonogatari (Vol. 1)” by Kamiya Hiroshi, who voice-acted Araragi Koyomi, and the second season, which includes the storytelling of “Nekomonogatari (Shiro)” by Sawashiro Miyuki because Audible has launched the all-you-can-listen campaign in which the fans can have unlimited access to all of the volumes of both series.
The final season of Audible, “Monogatari Series,” will start streaming in sequence from March 18th, 2022 with “Tsukimonogatari”.
Visit the website for more information.
Illustration/VAFAN © Nishio Ishin/ Kodansha
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