The TV anime “Deaimon” will be broadcasted in April 2022. In addition, the character settings of the parents of the main character Irino Nagumo (CV. Shimazaki Nobunaga) and comments from the cast members Koyama Rikiya and Ohara Sayaka have arrived.
“Deaimon” is a heartwarming story set in a Japanese confectionery shop in Kyoto, based on the manga by Asano Rin, serialized in “Young Ace”.
The story centers on Irino Nagumo, who moves to Tokyo to pursue his dream but decides to take over his family’s wagashi shop, Ryokusho, when he learns that his father has been hospitalized, and Yukihira Itsuka, a sales girl who works at the Irino family as a candidate for Ryokusho’s successor.
The anime will be aired in April 2022, and the character settings of Irino Heigo and Irino Fuki, who are the parents of the main character Irino Nagumo and work at the wagashi shop “Ryokusho”, have been revealed. Koyama Rikiya, who plays Irino Heigo, and Ohara Sayaka, who plays Irino Fuki, have also sent us their enthusiastic comments for the April broadcast.
The TV anime “Deaimon” will start airing in April 2022.
<The full text of the comments is as follows>
Koyama Rikiya as Irino Heigo
You know, you guys use the word “Hokkori” a lot these days.
It means “I can get healed” and you use it like “I want to get healed!” But that’s not true.
When you say “Hokkori”, it really means, “Oh, well, I can finally take a break now.”
“Oh, that was hard. Settled now. Well, let’s have a cup of tea.” after you finish your work.
That’s ‘Hokkori’. Remember that. I, the shopkeeper, was talking to myself.
Sayaka Ohara as Irino Fuki
I love Kyoto and wagashi!
Most of all I am a big fan of this work, so it was a dream come true for me to get offered to play as Fuki-san.
I hope that I can bring the beauty of wagashi and the atmosphere of Kyoto to as many people as possible through this work!
(C) RIN ASANO / Ryokusho
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