It was decided that the animated film “Blue Thermal” will premiere on March 4, 2022. At the same time, Komatsu Mikako, Ono Daisuke, Shiraishi Haruka, Taichi Yo, Murase Ayumu, Furukawa Makoto, Takahashi Rie, Yashiro Taku, Kawanishi Kengo, and Terada Minori were announced as the additional cast members. The comments from Komatsu and Ono have been released.
“Blue Thermal” is a youth story based on the manga “Blue Thermal: Aonagi Daigaku Taiikukai Koukuu-bu” by Ozawa Kana, and it depicts the university aviation club’s activities on the clear blue sky.
The original manga, which is a brand-new youth story was placed under the spotlights in no time, due to the fresh theme of the sports association aviation club competing in the hang gliding match with the “engineless plane, glider that glide in the sky by using the thermal”, the delicate depiction of the sky, and the mental depiction of the characters that are betting all of their youth.
A total of 10 characters and their cast members were announced that will help to create this bright youth story along with main character, Tsuru Tamaki, voiced by Hotta Mayu.
Komatsu Mikako is the voice of Tamaki’s older sister, Yano Chizuru while Ono Daisuke is the voice of the mysterious university OB (Old Boys), Asahina Yo. For the companions of Aonagi University’s sports association aviation club that Tamaki is affiliated to, Shiraishi Haruka is the voice of Muroi Yukari, Taichi Yo is the voice of Maki Ayano, Murase Ayumu is the voice of Narihara Eita, Furukawa Makoto is the voice of Nanba Ryouhei, Takahashi Rie is the voice of Mochida Kaori, and Yashiro Taku is the voice of Aihara Harukaze.
Furthermore, Kawanishi Kengo is the voice of Chizuru’s underclassman and Tamaki’s rival Hatori Kaede and actor Terada Minori, known for her role as Muska in “Laputa: Castle in the Sky”, is the voice of director of Aonagi University aviation club.
The animated film “Blue Thermal” will premiere on March 4, 2022.
<Below are the full comments>
Yano Chizuru, voiced by Komatsu Mikako
When I was reading the original work, it has exalted me to the blue blue sky. I will never forget the refreshing sensation of the interchange between the exaltation and romance. My character, Chizuru, is the motivator of the team, as well as a cool character with a strong sense of responsibility, but she actually has a delicate side. Due to a certain reason, she treated Tamaki harshly. As this work has the theme of the sky sports, gliding, I am looking forward to the depiction of the sky and it also filled with charming and energetic characters. I’m sure that Tamaki will guide you persistently to the sky. The refreshing, bittersweet, and grand blue sky! Please look forward to it.
Asahina Yo, voiced by Ono Daisuke
I believe everyone has a memory of them doing their best. As well as things that will forget eventually. This is a passionate and refreshing story that will help to remind you of those important memories. The character that I am voicing, Asahina is a person “who won’t give up on his dream”. There are various moments that I shared the same feeling as him during the recording, which lit a fire inside of me. It would make me happy as the voice actor if the audiences is able to soar high in the sky after feeling the wind from this work.
(C) 2022 “Blue Thermal” Production Committee
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