From “Detective Conan”, the beloved car of Akai Shuichi “Ford Mustang” has been released as a mini car under the Tomica series “Tomica Premium” for adults. The product will be released on November 20, 2021, on nationwide toy specialize stores and “Takara Tomy Mall”.
“Tomica Premium unlimited 02 Detective Conan Ford Mustang (Akai Shuichi)” is a die-cast mini car under the latest series for adults “Tomica Premium unlimited” with the theme of film, movie, and drama.
“Ford Mustang” is the beloved car of Akai Shuichi that was used in the fierce car chase that took advantage of its performance in the anime. The various car designs, such as the shape of the spoiler and the wheels, were recreated and it has even expressed the fine details such as the car plate. It even comes with the function of opening and closing the door, and the suspension action.
A blister pack (A transparent plastic case where the inner product can be seen) was used to make it suitable for collection or display purpose. It also comes with a collection box with the size of 78 mm (W) X 41 mm (H) X 39mm (D), where you can display the product after unsealing it.
Other than that, “Tomica Premium unlimited 01 Fast & Furious RX-7” and “Tomica Premium unlimited 03 Knight Rider Knight 2000 K.I.T.T.” are also added to the lineup at the same time.
“Tomica Premium unlimited 02 Detective Conan Ford Mustang (Akai Shuichi)” is priced at 1,320 JPY (tax included). The product will be released in November 20, 2021, on nationwide toy specialize stores, Tomica specialize shop “Tomica Shop”, and “Takara Tomy Mall”.
【Product Detail】
Release Date: November 20, 2021 (Saturday)
Maker Price: 1,320 JPY (tax included) each
Applicable Age: Age 6 and above
Handling Stores: Nationwide Toys Specialize Stores, Toys Corner of Department Stores and Retailer Store, Tomica Specialize Store “Tomica Shop”, Online Shop, Takara Tomy Official Shopping Website “Takara Tomy Mall”, etc.
●”Tomica Premium unlimited 02 Detective Conan Ford Mustang (Akai Shuichi)”
Product Size: 30.5 mm (W) X 22.7 mm (H) X 75.6 mm (D)
●”Tomica Premium unlimited 01 Fast & Furious RX-7″
Product Size: 33.8 mm (W) X 21.3 mm (H) X 73.4 mm (D)
●”Tomica Premium unlimited 03 Knight Rider Knight 2000 K.I.T.T.”
Product Size: 30 mm (W) X 22.5 mm (H) X 74.5 mm (D)
(C)Aoyama Gosho/ Shogakukan, Yomiuri TV, TMS 1996
(C)Universal City Studios LLC. All Rights Reserved.
(C)General Motors Trademarks used under license to Tomy Company, Ltd.
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