The information on the anime adaptation of “Summer Time Rendering”, the manga that was serialized on “Shounen Jump+” with over 130 million PV, was announced on July 22, the “first day” in the work. The broadcast will be in 2022, and the teaser visual was released together with the introduction of the story.
“Summer Time Rendering” is a science-fiction, suspense story about Ajiro Shinpei returning to his hometown, Hitogashima in Wakayama Prefecture as his childhood friend, Kofune Ushio has passed away.
This work by Tanaka Yasunori started being serialized on “Shounen Jump+” in October 2017, and together with the final episode on February 1, 2021, the “anime adaptation” and “live action adaptation” were announced, and these announcement had become a trend in Twitter.
The first anime teaser visual of this work has been released.
It depicts Ajiro Shinpei and Kofune Ushio standing back-to-back with each other with the sea that reminds you of the first summer on the setting of this story, Hitogashima.
“Summer Time Rendering” will be broadcast in 2022.
“Ushio is dead….”
After receiving the obituary of his childhood friend, Kofune Ushio, Ajiro Shinpei returned to his hometown, Hitogashima in Wakayama Prefecture since 2 years.
His reunion with his family and friends. The funeral is being held smoothly. However, his best friend Hishigata Sou told Shinpei, “I have some doubts on Ushio’s death, there is a possibility that she was murdered.”
On the next day, the whole family member from a nearby house went missing. At the same time, Shinpei heard about an ominous rumor.
“Those who saw a “shadow” that resembles to them, will die. They will be killed by the shadow—!!”
Furthermore, Ushio’s sister, Mio mentioned “I saw a shadow 3 days before my older sister died”…!?
The science-fiction, suspense story that goes across time has started on this small summer island on the Kitan Strait—!
(C) Tanaka Yasunori/ Shueisha, Summer Time Rendering Production Committee
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