The popular novel series “Shabake” by Hatakenaka Megumi has a total of 9 million copies in circulation. The special anime to commemorate its 20th anniversary has been completed. The cast members of the anime, include Enoki Junya, Uchiyama Kouki, and Kimura Ryouhei, and the animation production is by the anime studio Shuka, known for the “Natsume’s Book of Friends” series.
The “Shabake” series depicts the sickly Waka Danna solving the difficult cases in Oedo together with Ayakashi and others.
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of this work, the mini anime “20th Anniversary Commemoration Special Anime ‘Shabake'” will be broadcast on the official website. The episode is approximately 3 minutes, and it is filled with the famous scenes of the original work, where you will be able to enjoy the allure of the series.
The director is Itou Hideki, known for “Natsume’s Book of Friends the Movie” and other works. The animation production is by the anime studio Shuka, which also handles “Natsume’s Book of Friends” series while the music is handled by Wada Kaoru, who handled “Inuyasha” series.
The cast members consist of the current trending voice actors, which are Enoki Junya (voice of Waka Danna), Uchiyama Kouki (voice of Nikichi), Azakami Youhei (voice of Sasuke), Kimura Ryouhei (voice of Hyoubu Nozoki), and Kanemoto Hisako (voice of Suzuhikohime).
“20th Anniversary Commemoration Special Anime ‘Shabake'” will be broadcast on “Shabake Official Website”, on July 19, 2021, which is the release date of the 20th entries of the series “Mou Ichido”.
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