The final volume of the manga “Attack on Titan” has been released on June 9, 2021. On this day, Kaji Yuuki-san, who plays the protagonist Eren Yeager in the anime, posted his impressions of the final volume and his enthusiasm for the anime The Final Season Episode 76 “Danzai” (Judgement).
“Attack on Titan” by Isayama Hajime depicts the battle of humans against the mysterious creatures, “Titans”, and was serialized in “Bessatsu Shonen Magazine” for 11 years and 7 months from 2009 October Issue to 2021 May Issue.
It received an anime adaptation in 2013, followed by other developments including an animation and live-action film. A Hollywood film adaptation has also been announced.
On June 9, the final volume, Vol. 34, was released and fans who purchased it posted comments on Twitter like, “Attack on Titan… Finished… It was amazing…” and “Thank you Isayama-sensei.”
Also, Kaji-san, who plays Eren, posted his gratitude towards Isayama-sensei, “Isayama Hajime-sensei. Once again, thank you very much for creating such an amazing piece of work,” along with his enthusiasm for the upcoming TV anime “Attack on Titan” The Final Season Episode 76 “Danzai”, “All that’s left is for us to fight our way to the end roll.”
Episode 76 “Danzai” from The Final Season is scheduled to be broadcast on NHK General this Winter.
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