From the TV anime “Uramichi Oniisan” (Broadcast starts in July 2021), the character illustrations of Kikaku Hanbee (voice by Kimura Ryouhei), Uebu Saito (voice by Suzumura Kenichi), and Nekota Matahiko (voice by Ono Daisuke) have been released on the official website together with the cast’s comments.
“Uramichi Oniisan” is based on the same-name manga by Gaku Kuze that is serialized on the online manga magazine “comic POOL” that has over 1 million copies (inclusive of e-book) in circulation.
The main protagonist is the two faces 31 years old guy, Uramichi Omota (known as Uramichi Onii-san), who is working as a gymnastics coach on the educational program “Together with Mama”. He is normally kind, but there are times where he will show a glimpse of his “dark side” and this work is a tragic eulogy for the “good child” that has become an adult.
Previously, the anime illustrations of the 5 main characters have been revealed, but the anime illustrations 3 new characters, which are the goods development that is affiliated to MHK Enterprise’s sales planning department Kikaku Hanbee (voice by Kimura Ryouhei), the new employee of MHK Enterprise’s digital planning department Uebu Saito (voice by Suzumura Kenichi), and the junior of Omota during his university time as well as the owner of the bar “CAT KICK” Nekota Matahiko (voice by Ono Daisuke) have been released.
“Uramichi Oniisan” will start in July.
<Below are the full comments>
Kikaku Hanbee, voice by Kimura Ryouhei
Kikaku is a character that has a special stimulus trait within this super exciting work!
It’s quite tiring when voicing him, but it was fun at the same time.
To those who know “Uramichi Oniisan” starting from the anime, I hope you will pamper him!
Uebu Saito, voice by Suzumura Kenichi
I’m Suzumura, who will be voicing Uebu Saito.
“Uramichi Oniisan” is very interesting! It seems that an adults has various types of side (haha)
It seem that Uebu doesn’t have two face personality, so he might have a great life… (haha)
I hope that everyone can look forward to the anime!
Nekota Matahiko, voice by Ono Daisuke
At a single glance, Nekota seem like a useless and easygoing adults, but he actually have a good common sense.
He is able to distinguish between things among the unique characters, and I have voice him in a serious and relax manner.
Do look forward to it.
(C) Gaku Kuze, Ichijinsha/ “Uramichi Oniisan” Production Committee
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