From “Mobile Suit Gundam” comes a figure of the Perfect Gundam III (Red Warrior) from the manga “Plamo-Kyoshiro” as part of the “ROBOT SPIRITS ver.A.N.I.M.E.” series. It is currently available for pre-order onat Premium Bandai.
“ROBOT SPIRITS <SIDE MS> PF-78-3 Perfect Gundam III (Red Warrior) ver. A.N.I.M.E.” is a figure of Kyoshiro’s third machine, Perfect Gundam III (Red Warrior), the red mobile suit from the manga “Plamo-Kyoshiro”.the third generation crimson machine that Kyoshiro from the manga “Plamo-Kyoshiro” rides.
The shoulder verniers are movable, and the elbows and knees have two levels of articulation, allowing you to express the powerful action of the original.
The Hyper HammerA hyper hammer is also included, allowing you to recreate the scene where the Mobile SuitKyoshiro appears with the chain wrapped around him.
Kyoshiro’s initials on each part of the fuselage are printed in tampo.
The mask included can be used to recreate the various facial expressions he showed in the original story.
The price of the “ROBOT SPIRITS <SIDE MS> PF-78-3 Perfect Gundam III (Red Warrior) ver. A.N.I.M.E.” is 7,150 JPY (tax included). Pre-orders are now being accepted at Premium Bandai, and shipping is scheduled for October 2021.
(C) Sotsu, Sunrise
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