The ‘TV Animation “Jujutsu Kaisen” Special Stage’ will be held at “AnimeJapan2021” on March 28, 2021. A talk show was held by Enoki Junya (Itadori Yuuji), Uchida Yuma (Fushiguro Megumi), Seto Asami (Kugisaki Nobara), and Nakamura Yuichi (Gojo Satoru), who play the main characters.
First, in a corner called “This is the moment I got my black flash!” in which the cast members looked back on scenes from all 24 episodes of the TV series that they wanted the audience to see.
Seto-san selected the battle between Maki and Miwa from episode 17 of the anime, “Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event – Group Battle 3 -“, which showed the overwhelming strength of the two. She said, “Episode 17 left too strong an impression on me. It’s no exaggeration to say that I fell in love with Maki here. I was also overwhelmed by the powerful images that even made me feel the wind pressure,” she said, referring to the quality of the images that depicted the depth and atmosphere of the film.
Uchida-san selected the scene of Fushiguro’s domain development from episode 23 “The Origin of Blind Obedience – 2 -“. He felt that it was a tremendous image, including Fushiguro’s fight against a special class spell spirit with a smile on his face and the action scene drawn like an ink painting in an incomplete realm. This scene was recorded by Uchida-san almost all by himself, and he recalled that it overlapped with Fushiguro’s feelings of liberating himself.
Nakamura-san selected a scene from episode 13 ” Tomorrow”, the climax of the first school year, where Itadori and Nanami are engaged in a fierce battle to exorcise Masato. When they talked about the scene of Masato’s realm espansion at that time, they expressed their concern about the way the characters, including Itadori and Masato, clashed with each other with everything they have.
Enoki-san, referring to the scene where Itadori unleashes the black flash from episode 19, “Black Flash,” said, “I’m impressed by the director and MAPPA’s attitude of taking on the challenge of a new expression that is different from the original work and is further interpreted from a different angle.” He also reflected on the visual expression of the black flash scene that was also released in the final episode, and the detailed breathing that was directed during the recording, and concluded by saying that he hoped the audience would enjoy the video over and over again.
The recently announced “Jujutsu Kaisen the Movie 0” was also shown, and the cast gave a big round of applause to the highly anticipated video. The visuals drawn by the original author, Akutami Gege, were also introduced, and they talked about Okkotsu Yuuta, who appears in the comic volume 0. In this video, the voices of Nakamura-san and Sakurai Takahiro, who plays the role of Getou Suguru, were also recorded, and it was revealed that the voices were recorded after many careful takes and discussions with various expressions.
As for the movie version, the cast members voiced their expectations one after another, saying “I’m excited” and “I’m looking forward to it”, showing that they are looking forward to the continuation of the work.
At the end of the event, each member of the cast gave a message, and Enoki-san gave the following message, including his hopes for the future.
Enoki-san said, “The original story is still continuing, and I’m looking forward to the release of “Jujutsu Kaisen 0”, but the TV anime ended at an interesting point, so I hope we can continue with the story. Please continue to support us.
The TV anime “Jujutsu Kaisen” is now available on various distribution sites. The film version of “Jujutsu Kaisen 0” will be released in theaters this winter.
(C) Akutami Gege / Shueisha (C) Akutami Gegea / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee
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